Parents need to set rules for their kids.
Set Rules for Your Kids
Kids are inventive, imaginative, and incredibly complex. And yet at the same time they are easily manipulated, gullible, and innocent. It is the job of their parents to help guide them along and hopefully protect them. And yet that is not always the sentiment expressed by parents.
The common thought of today is that children should be trusted and left to live on their own terms. From social media use to dating at such a young age, kids are often given too much responsibility. What can then stem from this are decisions that can ruin someone’s life, most often under peer pressure.
So what I would tell parents is limit your kids. Don’t let them have social media, go to parties, or do many things at such a young age. From my own experiences as a kid I need to have a set of rules. Whether that is an early bedtime or no social media; it seems to be very beneficial to my mental health. Not only that but it instills values of time management and seeing through lies. While such rules may have seemed rigid they made me a better person and a more structured individual.
Overall children need guidance and without it they fall into temptation; circumstances that can lead to an awful mental state.