How to ride a personal watercraft
Personal watercraft are a fun way to get out on the water. They provide hours of fun, without being expensive or complicated. Knowing how to ride one is key. A jet ski is called a jet ski because it is propelled through the water by a jet. An intake grate sucks in water, so the water can be shot out. A small propeller inside the jet called an impeller helps the water shoot out at a high pressure, moving you forward. Most jet skis have reverse, which requires a flap to drop down in front of the jet, changing the direction of the jet. Some jet skis have a lever to switch from forward to reverse, but most jet skis have finger triggers on the handlebars. This makes reversing and maneuvering much easier. Many people say that jet skis have no brakes. This however is sort of untrue. The thumb trigger on newer models for the reverse also can be used to slow the jet ski down. Dropping the reverse bucket makes drag, slowing it down. Even though some newer models have “brakes”, always be prepared because most old models do not have breaks. Always be cautious on a jet ski. With these tips driving a jet ski will be fun and easy.