Navigating Faith In A Christian Environment
Hope Linam, Second year sporting staffer, Pawprint Liaison

Introductory Blog
Growing up in Christian schools my whole life has given me more opportunities to further my faith than I would in a public school. But, many times I’ve questioned how I navigate in a Christian environment because personally I haven’t been faced with an opportunity to spread the gospel to those who don’t already know it. Of course, I’ve been faced with faith challenging situations in my life,...

Challenging Yourself When You Don’t Feel Challenged
I’ve gone to a Christian school my entire life, and I’m grateful to have been given the opportunity to immerse myself in Christian education. However, after years and years of Bible classes, I began to become stagnant in my faith (doesn’t really make sense, right?). I have to wonder if that was equally on me as it was on the lesson plans of my Bible classes. Of course, depending on the age...

Dealing With Doubt
As a Christian, when doubts arise it is very easy to immediately think you are doing something wrong or as if your faith is not strong enough. However, doubts are normal and beneficial to growing in your faith because we do not know all the answers. So, from time to time we are going to have questions come up that we do not know the answers to, or scenarios occur in our lives that cause us to doub...

5 Ways To Stay In The Word
Staying in the Word consistently, if I’m being honest, is something that I struggle with in my own faith walk. But, of the numerous ways to remain in the Word, the following five are my favorite ways to stay connected with God’s Word. 1. Daily Devotionals. This is probably my go-to way of seeking God’s Word. I use the Bible App because they have hundreds if not thousands of different Bible ...

Facing Ridicule
Standing up for your beliefs may be one of the most difficult things you have to defend. Having to confidently prove to someone that strongly disagrees with you that Christianity is real when we ourselves blindly believe in a God we’ve never met seems like an impossible task. However, regardless of the extent of the ridicule we may face from others, our “faith in what we cannot see” gives us ...

Setting An Example
There is far more to setting an example than simply “doing the right thing.” Christians often get stereotyped as people who live perfectly and never make mistakes, but obviously this is an unrealistic expectation to reach and can cause Christians to feel as if they are constantly failing or falling short. However, you can try your best to set an example of how to live to nonbelievers through yo...

Am I Enough?
In my faith, on numerous occasions I have felt like the odd one out or as if my opinions weren’t valid because I was coming from a biblical perspective. So, insecurities immediately began to surface and I began to start to ask the question, “Am I Enough?” This began to weigh heavily on my heart because I was unsure of how to push through what I was feeling, and I began to question my own fait...

Forgiving may be one of the most difficult tasks for Christians to do at times because when someone has wronged us our first instinct is not necessarily to forgive. However, forgiveness is sometimes the last thing on my mind because the hurt runs so deep that my anger, sadness, and or frustration is larger than the want to forgive. But, God calls us to forgive one another just as He forgives us, and whe...

The Great Comission
Matthew 28:19, “Therefore go and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, and teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you. And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age.” My main focus of this blog is going to be around Matthew 28:19-20, which in my opinion, is one of the most clear messages from God on wha...
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