At Home Exercise Tips
As the vaccine rollout for COVID-19 is quickly becoming a reality in many parts around the world, some citizens may place a higher emphasis on near to total isolation in the meantime. Whether one is an athlete awaiting an important tournament, a student on the verge of taking a pivotal exam test, or a person with an underlying physical condition, there are many who have credible reasons to...

Staying Connected
COVID-19 spelled many challenges to long-cherished traditions, including the ability to communicate face-to-face—something most people have taken for granted up until this 2020-21 school year. A little over a year from the global outbreak of the coronavirus, nearly every country in the world sponsored ‘Air Bridges’ or charter flights back to one’s homeland. Resultingly, the demographics within...

Why You Should Go On A Walk Right Now
In my family, we regularly go on hikes or walks throughout the school year, which I believe is a highly beneficial activity. Particularly if one is feeling rushed by school or other pressing extracurricular, taking a stroll around the neighborhood with friends and family may be one way you can step back to take stock. All in all, I have found that being unproductive for even a few minutes or so is...

Heads Up! : What You Might Be Missing
Staring down at a phone is the most commonplace pose anyone can assume nowadays. No big deal, right? Well, in reality, all those hours of checking up on social media and playing electronic games takes a toll. The standard posture of consulting one’s device during any spare moment has been proven equivalent to bearing a sixty pound millstone around one’s neck day after day. The alternative lies...

Psalm For You
I read this Bible verse, Psalm 103, the other day and found it very encouraging as it has to do with daily life as a student at a private Christian high school. I hope it also encourages you. Praise the Lord, my soul; all my inmost being, praise his holy name. Praise the Lord, my soul, and forget not all his benefits Even as we go through hard time, in fact particularly during those hard...

Why we all need to drink a full seven cups of water
Three Reasons To Stay Hydrated 1.) Water is key to both alleviating and preventing headaches. 2.) Drinking H2O at regular intervals aids in satiety throughout the day. In order to prevent from overeating or unhealthy snacking, a few gulps of water every so often helps to forestall overeating or u healthy snacking. 3.) You know how when you have a cold and it feels like your whole throat is...

Take-Aways From Online Schooling
If you don’t like having to wake up for school so early, online school is the solution! Since the commune to and from school is eliminated, students suddenly find themselves with a lot more time on their hands, which is good...except for when the time is used unproductively to sleep in and end up doing the same amount of schoolwork after hours. It is definitely important to use your extra time wisely,...

Is Handwriting Extinct?
Is Handwriting Extinct? Personally, my schooling career started with penmanship and, as far as I am concerned, it will also end with the penmanship. Like most elementary students, I began learning cursive in second grade and the process was extended all the way up until sixth grade. Although we are not required to use cursive, much less handwriting, for high school assignments now, I have found...

5 Ways to Jog Your Memory:
You know that feeling where a definition or piece of vocabulary is just on the tip of your tongue? Not only is the lapse in memory frustrating, but it can also cause a pivotal deduction in an important term paper. The following 5 tips apply to high stakes academic undertakings and everyday derailed trains of thought. 1.) Use the test to take the test Sometimes a change in verb tense or the way...

When Was The Last Time You…Held A Baby?
In some countries, the orphanages are strategically placed within a retirement home for the elderly. This is a perfect solution because the feeble in years are really just parents whose children have all flown the coop, while orphans are, necessarily, children who lack parents. Often people who are getting on in years will muse that all their friends have died, leaving themselves all alone in the world....

What To Do When There Is Nothing Left To Do
For whatever reason, the previous devices you may have relied upon to occupy yourself are pulled right out from under you and you feel genuinely lost. There is literally nothing you can do. What now? 1.) Learn how to count up to ten in a foreign language If you have spare time on your hands, learning another language is both an absorbing and useful task. The next time you find yourself in the doldrums,...

Spot the Wildflower
Spring is in the air! There is no better time to go outside and explore those tiny petals you glimpse from classroom or car windows. Instead of daydreaming out the rolled down shutters, go outside to investigate the new flora for yourself. Wildflowers only last a day or so before wilting; their season is shorter than one might expect. The brevity of blossoms reminds us that every moment matters because—just...

Vacations: Six Times Never
When traveling during COVID-19 times, many beloved traditions have fallen to the wayside, but even still, some basic routines remain. Approaching a destination, whether over land or overseas, entails at least some degree of preparation. DON’T leave for a confined space over an extended period of time without a first aid kit DO bring adequate supplies and terrain-appropriate clothing/footwear DON’T...
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