Behind the Scenes of 9th Grade Artboard

This year for Artboard the theme is Wonders of the World. Artboard is a gigantic art project where each grade has to build a scene reflecting the theme. You have to use things like tissue paper, cardboard, and lots of paint. The freshman are excited about this year’s theme. Izzy Warner, a first-year-rookie at Artboard, stated, “I love doing Artboard so far and I love helping our grade to strive and win!” As a new Artboard attendee, Isabel is loving helping her grade to win.

The materials in Artboard include things like placing the tissue paper, painting the set, or making sure you have the time to accomplish the board. “My favorite part is definitely getting the shared vision of what the board will look like from everyone in Artboard,” explained Lucy Wood, a returning Artboard attendee.

Just like Lip Sync, Boys Poms, and the Video Project, Artboard does take a lot of time to accomplish. “Time is the most challenging thing of Artboard. We have to plan out what is going to get accomplished for each day we have a ‘practice’, and if our goal doesn’t get achieved for each day we have planned we all become very stressed,” said Elle Pierson, a new Artboarder.

Even though Artboard can be stressful, many of the students this year will be returning the next year. Lindsay Davis has been doing Artboard since seventh grade and will be continuing through her high school career. “I love doing Artboard! Even though it can be stressful, I will be continuing for about one more year or so,” said Davis.  

In Artboard this year, there are many returning and new students to take part in the fun art experience. For example, Ethan Storer is a new Artboard attendee and says that this is his first year doing it, and although he is a rookie, he is enjoying it a lot. “It’s fantastic and I will be doing it next year,” said Storer.