Dylan Elias, Broadcast 2
What does broadcast mean to you? It’s my second year in broadcast, and it definitely means the world to me that I’m still here and working with a great team. It’s a place where my creativity and ideas can come to life and I can make something I’m proud of. And thankful Mr. Kim gave me a chance to join broadcast leadership.
What are your interests? I enjoy downhill and freestyle skiing, rock climbing, and just being in the outdoors in general. I also love to travel and spend time with my friends.
What is your favorite quote? “If you want something, go get it. Don’t wait around to accomplish your goals, because there is no better time than the present.”
What did you want to be when you were 5? Like the common ambitious 5 year old, I was wanting to be a fighter pilot for the Air Force, convinced I’d be the next top pilot.
What are three little things that brighten your day? Good weather is always something that puts a smile on my face, another thing is having an Arnold Palmer everyday, which is critical to my performance throughout the day, and lastly is getting to see and talk to Max Nelson without a doubt.