Sadie Schmidt
A women looks at black and white polaroid image of a past homecoming queen.
One of the most popular school traditions is homecoming weekend. For many schools this means parades, football games, a dance, carnivals, and other unique opportunities. However, one of the most noteworthy events for many schools is the selection of a homecoming court.
Originally started in 1911 by University of Missouri football Coach Chester Brewer, homecoming welcomed all alumni back on campus for the famous Missouri-Kansas football game. Over 9,000 people attended, and from that day forward, homecoming took root as a time honored tradition. The tradition of homecoming court however, began much later when the first homecoming queen, Betty Walker, was crowned at the university of Tennessee in November of 1950.
At its conception, homecoming court was based on popularity, with students voting in their desired king and queen. Over time however, the issue of homecoming court has become more politically charged with arguments over race, gender, and other issues. This has led schools to require faculty to “elect” students based on character and admirable qualities.
For Westminster students, Homecoming court has been absent for several years. The last queen and king, Jack Lemp and Grace Fentress, were elected by student vote in 2021. So why don’t we have one? Many students have speculated about the answer and proposed several conspiracies however, the answer is simply that students haven’t organized it.
This is news to most students who made the mistake of believing that it was organized by teachers or parents.
“I was wondering why we didn’t have one this year. I thought it was run by administration.” said senior, Monica Knapp.
With this new bit of information, students should know that if they want a homecoming court, they should come together and organize it. Because of this, many have expressed excitement about the potential for future homecomings.
“Hopefully next year we can see if stucco or others could help organize a court. I think that would be so much fun.” said sophomore, Ansley McGowan
While Westminster may not have a homecoming court this year, there is always room for one next year if it garners enough support. So, everyone should prepare to vote for the next wave of royalty.