The Senior Experience
Graduation is here.
This years seniors have had some of the strangest high school experiences possible. Despite this, we seniors are still grateful for WCA, and its teachers. “The fact that teachers in almost every class found a way to relate[ their class] to Jesus no matter the subject really showed me how present the Lord is in every day of my life” says senior Adam Zell. Teachers at Westminster are truly able to integrate their Christian values into their classes. Consequently, the students are constantly learning more about Christ.
However, remarkably they manage to do this without forcing the Bible onto their students. “the teachers here genuinely care about you and are always willing to talk about faith which I think is really cool…and not to have it be overwhelming or like I’m having the Bible thrown at my face” states senior Moorea Atkins. Westminster teachers have really helped shape this years seniors. They time and energy the put into teaching and loving their students is incredible
I truly agree with my fellow seniors that Westminster teachers have shaped my life in amazing ways. I’m so grateful that I was able to attend a Christian school that cared not only about my education but also about me as a person.