Many students, like myself, are opposed to the new tardy rule. Students argue that it is too strict and the rule is not affecting students time management and they are tardy to class just as often.
“ I think it’s too harsh. Four tardies is not very much for a whole quarter,” said Courtney Beat, sophomore.
A good deal of students agree with Beat and think the rule is too severe. Conduct detentions go onto the students permanent record. They are supposed to be taken seriously and should not be used to punish small issues such as tardies.
Others believe that there are many excuses for receiving a tardy, so that should be taken into account.
“The reason I am against the new tardy rule is there is a harsh punishment for something that could be a misunderstanding. What if I am fighting the forces of evil but I’m tardy because of it? I still get punished even though I did a good deed, which I do not believe is right,” said Jonny Kinney, junior.
Although the average student is probably not fighting the forces of evil in the hallway, there are plenty of valid excuses to give for being tardy. For example, using the bathroom between classes is a common excuse. Students are forced to do this because most teachers count using the bathroom during class as a tardy. This leaves the students with no time to go to the bathroom, and that is probably unhealthy.
Finally, there is the argument that it does not affect the number of tardies students are receiving.
“I am against the tardy rule. I understand the importance of coming to class on time, but I do not think that giving conduct detentions is a good way to enforce it. I have not seen any decrease in tardies this year even after the rule had been established,” said Megan Johnson, sophomore.
Due to the new tardy rule, the signup list for serving a conduct has been the longest ever. It does not seem to be making the students more timely. Plenty of students would say that the rule is too strict and therefore ineffective.
Like many other students, Hannah Stipanovich, junior, has received a conduct for getting too many tardies.
“I have had three conducts for tardies this year. What got me in trouble was not knowing I had four tardies then being late, then the teacher telling me I had a conduct,” said Stipanovich.
Most students are not aware of how many tardies they have at any given point in the quarter. Teachers should inform students how many tardies they have.
“Think the tardy policy is a little too harsh because even if I was late to class because I was talking to a different teacher, they would still count me tardy. I think the teachers should tell the students that they are close to getting 5 tardies so they can make them aware of the trouble they are in. Also to cut them some slack!” said Stipanovich.
I think that a good compromise to the tardy rule is to punish the kids with after school detentions. After earning four tardies, students should have to serve a detention with the teacher instead of serving an hour long conduct detention that goes onto their permanent record. This punishes the student for their lackadaisical ways, yet it does not hurt them long term. Also, teachers should be sure to inform students when they have three tardies so they can be extra careful and be sure to get to class on time.