During Tuesday’s election Missourians will be tasked with the difficult choice of voting for a new governor in the up and coming election, as current governor Mike Parsons retires. The two main candidates are Mike Kehoe, a Republican and the Lieutenant Governor of Missouri, and Crystal Quade, a Democrat and a Missouri State Representative. Now let’s dive into who these two candidates are and what they stand for.
According to Mike Kehoe’s website, he is the youngest of five, and his father left his family at a young age causing him, and his siblings, to have to help their mother support their family at a young age. Kehoe has been very successful, at age 25 he purchased Osage Industries, a van conversion and ambulance manufacturing company, that had been losing mass amounts of money. He in turn flipped it around doubling the company’s sales making it one of the top ambulance producers in the nation. Furthermore, he has backed over 2.4 billion dollars in tax cuts.
Kehoe is endorsed by former president Donald Trump as well as former governor Mike Parson. As far as immigration goes, he will not provide sanctuary for illegal immigration, trafficking, or cartels pushing deadly drugs. He is 100% pro-life and desires to protect innocent life. Lastly, he backs law enforcement and is endorsed by Missouri law enforcement and trusts them to keep our families safe.

Crystal Quade, according to her website Crystal Quade for Governor, often had to help her mother at the diner she worked at as she would have to work double or sometimes triple shifts. She was the first in her family to graduate from high school, and went on to attend Missouri state university.
“I’m running for Governor for one simple reason, because Missouri’s parents, working extra shifts today, have children who need to beat the odds tomorrow. I’ll fight for families like the one I grew up in,” states Quade.
Quade’s main goal is to stand up for our working and farming families. She is extremely pro choice and desires to take down Kehoe and his abortion plan. She has also sponsored a law to stop China and Russia from taking away our farmland.
Mike Kehoe plans to push pro-life laws, crack down on illegal immigration, and back law enforcement. Crystal Quade has a heart for the working families of today, and is against pro-life laws. Most likely either Mike Kehoe or Crystal Quade will take the place of Mike Parsons as Missouri Governor in the 2024 election.