Are You Taking a Date to HOCO?
800-News decided to take a poll on whether Westminster students are taking a date or just going with friends to homecoming this year. With around 27% of students not attending their grade level homecomings, the remaining attendees are mostly going with friends. 50% of all who took the poll claimed they were attending the dance with just their friend group, while a mere 23% decided to take a date. Thi...
Why Do We have Separate Homecomings?
Well, WCA students, it is that time of the year again. Carnival rides, popcorn, cotton candy, homecoming proposal signs, rejections, school spirit, dresses, suits, hair and more. Yep! It is almost time for Homecoming weekend. Let’s do a quick recap of the previous years of WCA homecoming dances. The last homecoming that most of us would remember having together was back in 2019 at Frontenac Hotel...
Homecoming and Carnival FAQ
Let Kids Be Kids
Every Homecoming Weekend parents put on a homecoming dance for the entire high-school. The dance is one of the biggest events of the first semester, and it is all the freshman and sophomores can talk about. But are we really ready for a Homecoming Dance? Homecoming dances, even if they are organized and chaperoned by parents, still are not always the best place for kids to be. And that’s what ...
STUCO Carnival Q&A
Westminster’s carnival is the time of year where students from all grades get to partake in fun fall festivities. With food, games, rides, and a football game, the event lasts from Friday night until early Saturday afternoon, ending with a parent-sponsored homecoming dance Saturday evening for high school students. This event, while a fun time for community bonding, is a time-consuming effort to ...
The History of Homecoming
Across the past few weeks, students, teachers, and parents have been gearing up for one of the most prominent staples of the wonderful world of American highschool: Homecoming. Over the years, the dance / social event/ football extravaganza has changed with the times. However, not many know the origins of this event nor how it has changed into what it is today. Homecoming, by definition, is a tradition in...
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