Casen Lawrence has been playing a lot of basketball during quarantine.
COVID-19 Chronicles: Casen
This time can bring a combination of many emotions to different people based on their situations. Factors such as personal health, age, jobs, and others contribute to how life looks for different people at this time. For me, it actually hasn’t been that boring, considering the circumstances. While I have not left my house for any reason other than going to the grocery store in the last week and a half, I have been fortunate to have friends with me. Two of my best friends were supposed to come on spring break with me to Minnesota, where we have a house because of my dad’s current job situation. So, with lack of knowledge about the weeks to come, my family, friends, and I drove out to Minnesota last Saturday after our basketball season came to an end. In Minnesota we have been doing everything we can to have fun and try to stay in shape. We are blessed with having a basketball hoop available to us in the house, so we spend hours a day shooting with an attempt to stay active. Countless hours of video games have been played, and many series of movies and TV shows have been watched. But, things have remained interesting in the house. My sister was in Florida for spring break, and right before she arrived in Minnesota, news that someone she had been with had the Coronavirus surfaced. So, she has been stuck in her room, by herself, from the moment she arrived here. The plan is for her to stay there for two weeks, hoping she remains asymptomatic and COVID-19 free. Overall, it has been hectic, but also relaxing the past week and a half, and I’m very thankful to be in the situation that I am in given the circumstances.