The Student Newspaper of Westminster Christian Academy

Kirk Day School

Senior Sebastian Lacassie serves a junior kindergarten class every Thursday morning at Kirk.

Sebastian Lacassie Mentors Preschool Students Through Service at Kirk Day School

Westminster Christian Academy and Kirk Day School have already had a special relationship, with many sixth grade students from Kirk transitioning to Westminster for seventh grade. In order to build relationships for that transition, Westminster seniors serve at Kirk in order to help the students begin to understand what it means to be a part of the Westminster community. 

Kirk Day School is a preschool-sixth grade school, so senior volunteers work with a variety of ages. Specifically, Sebastian Lacassie serves in the preschool every Thursday morning and serves as an assistant for the teacher and a friend for the students.   

“I help out the junior kindergarten class at Kirk. I help prepare their projects for them, and I help out the teacher by being a class mediator of sorts. I also get to just hang out and play with them,” Lacassie said. 

Kirk is a desirable senior service as Westminster students have been serving there for many years and have loved it. In fact, that is one of the reasons Lacassie decided to serve there. 

“I had heard nothing but good things about Kirk, and I wanted to be in a senior service with a lot of my friends. At first, I was hesitant and skeptical about being assigned to junior kindergarten but now after knowing all the kids I am really happy with the way things turned out,” he explained. 

One of the most impactful parts of the service that student volunteers always mention is when they are able to go out to recess with the kids because it allows them to not only let loose and have fun but also reminds them that it is so fulfilling to spend time with kids.

“I would say my favorite moment so far has been when I go out and play with the kids. It’s always so much fun and brings back so many childhood memories. The kids are hilarious, and I appreciate that time so much. It is definitely one of the best parts of my week because I get to be a mentor for the kids,” Lacassie explained.


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