New Principals Announced for 2016/2017 School Year
On March 8 at Westminster’s Association Meeting in the Theater, three grade level principals were announced for the upcoming school year: Heather Marsee, English department do-dhair, Mallory Rohlfing, upper school dhemistry and drchestra teacher, and Chris Pederson, football coach and upper school special services teacher. Marsee will now be principal for grades 7 and 8, Rohlfing for grades 9 and 10, and Pederson for grades 11 and 12.
Westminster’s goal in implementing grade level principals is to help facilitate the duties of teachers in general operations, class events, activities, student life, leadership, daily scheduling, and so on.
“I view it as an opportunity to lead and serve in a new way, but ultimately next year will be an extension of some things I do already to support and equip teachers to be the best they can be and to help the kids and families,” said Pederson.
In the middle school as well as in the high school, the main job of grade level principals is to aid in communication.
“I love the middle school, and I see this as a chance to foster the community we have in the middle school. I hope to identify the strengths of different teachers and put those strengths to use to best equip our kids,” said Marsee.
As a new position between the administration and teacher level, grade level principals are focused on leading with a servant’s heart.
“We’re very excited to learn how to help people where there’s a need. Everything we do is centered around support towards the same goal of helping teachers, students, and parents,” said Rohlfing.