On the second Saturday of every month, Jim Marsh, head of school, joins together with a small group of parents to pray for the school. The meetings begin at 8 AM and are held in the business office of the school. These gatherings are an important W.C.A tradition.
“A Westminster father approached me after a parent meeting over 20 years ago with the idea of hosting a Saturday morning prayer meeting for parents who work and could not attend the weekly prayer meetings at WCA. He volunteered to lead the Saturday prayer meeting if I helped him start it. I accepted his offer and the tradition began,” said Marsh.
The meetings started out very large but have gotten smaller throughout the past years, to create a more personal experience for those involved.
“Ten to twenty parents and board members attended back then. But, now usually five to seven faithful prayer warriors attend,” said Marsh.
The meetings were designed for parents to pray alongside the principle of their children’s school about problems faced by the school and students that attend it. They pray about everything going on in the Westminster community.
“We pray for families who are struggling with a particular trial (e.g., death in the family, sickness, financial struggles), students and their academic, spiritual, or leadership experiences at WCA, such as big events or challenges that they are facing, and we pray for our teachers and staff- for their health and well-being, strength and perseverance in meeting the demands on their time and leadership,” said Marsh.
Anyone is welcome to attend the prayer meetings with Marsh but they must contact him directly in person or via e-mail. If a person has a prayer request for the group, they can also contact Marsh in some way.
“I would be happy to share their prayer request at the Saturday prayer meeting,” said Marsh.
It is important to have WCA traditions such as these to keep the community close and concerned for one another. This will provide for a better environment and better school.