Many people assume that there are only two candidates in the presidential election, but truthfully there are many more. These parties not only differ from the two main ones in The Republican Party and the Democrat Party, but from each other as well. Those who are tired of the two main parties that seem to run America should open their eyes to the many others.
One of the main third parties is The Green Party. This party is based on the green movement which focuses on environmental issues and other issues regarding wages in America. The Green Party also fights for publicly funded election debates, so that more parties can get involved rather than just the Democratic and Republican party. They want to cut military funding and put more funding into renewable energy sources rather than fossil fuels. In addition, The Green Party wants more diversity in leadership positions. Their campaign website said:
“We believe that the many diverse elements of society should be reflected in our organizations and decision-making bodies, and we support the leadership of people who have been traditionally closed out of leadership roles.”
Jill Stein, 74, is the presidential candidate for The Green Party. She graduated from Harvard and is an environmentalist. Who desires campaign finance reform, and a cleaner planet. She aligned with the Green Party Because she advocated for the Clean Election Law in Massachusetts that was voted in, but later repealed due to a voice vote. The legislature that repealed it was democratic.
Another main party is The Libertarian Party, which wants to lower taxes, and reduce the involvement of the government in everyday lives. They believe that people should be able to give goods and services to consumers without interference from the government. The Party also believes that peaceful, honest people should be able to do what they want with their lives without fear of being penalized. Chase Oliver, 38, is the Libertarian’s candidate for president. In 2020 he was a member of the Congress in Georgia’s 5th district, and in 2022 he ran for US senate. His beginnings in political activism was when he fought against the war in Iraq that happened under President Bush.

Furthermore, The Democratic Socialists of America is an interesting party as well, because they believe that capitalism is a flawed system where the rich exploit the ordinary people. They believe that the working people should have control over the economy. Their campaign website said:
“We want to win ‘radical’ reforms like single-payer Medicare for All, defunding the police/refunding communities, the Green New Deal, and more as a transition to a freer, more just life.”
Although they do not have a candidate for the election this year, they are hoping to affect change in policy for other candidates from other parties, and are vouching for the democratic party and their candidate Kamala Harris.
In addition another party to consider is the American Solidarity Party, which consists of seven key principles being Sanctity of Life, Social Justice, Community-Oriented Society, Centrality of the Family, Economic Security, Care for the Environment, and Peace and International Solidarity. The party is based and oriented on the christian religion. Their campaign website said:
“Recognizing that governments derive their just authority from God, we seek laws and policies that put the universal call to love our neighbor into practice by promoting authentic human freedom and flourishing.”
The presidential candidate for the American Solidarity Party is Peter Sonski. He is 61 years old and was the option of the party’s candidate due to his experience as a journalist, and as a director of communications. He also is a member of Conniticut’s District 17 school board. The district has a good track record of success in all aspects of school including elementary, middle, and high school. He joined the party in 2018 when he learned about their christian values.
The decision of who to vote for in the Presidential Election is very important, and voters should consider more than just the two main candidates in Donald Trump and Kamala Harris.