Westminster has a rather large number of clubs, both athletic and academic, each designed to enrich the lives of students. From archery to bowling to chess, the diversity is incredible. Despite these options, some teachers and students alike would like to add more choices to the roster. But how is a club created? What are the requirements? And what is the secret behind club sponsors?
The first step on this journey is to find the source of all clubs: the human mind. Most of the time, the idea to start a club starts in a student’s head. As this idea grows, the student might want to act upon the dream. Matt Seilback, The Club Coordinator, serves as the gatekeeper for all the club dreams at WCA. Thankfully, you don’t need any secret password.
”You have to have an idea for a club that doesn’t currently exist […] make sure you have other people who are interested as well, around three or four people […] Then, find a sponsor or faculty advisor who’d be able to be there when you’re having the club. Then, fill out an application and submit the application to me.” said Seilback.
After pitching the idea to the Seilback, the next step is to find a teacher to sponsor the club. A club sponsor should be responsible, patient, and willing to spend extra time with students.
In fact, sometimes, the idea for a club comes from the teacher who inevitably sponsors it.
”I just like hanging out with other artists who are just making stuff, without me having to be their teacher,” said John Sarra, The Fine Arts Director and Art Club Sponsor. “A big part of my job is just creating opportunities for people to do more good things, so that’s what art club is.”
“I like scrabble and tea, obviously, and wanted to share those things with any students who might be interested […] It’s nice to see students in a different context other than class,” said Peter Barrs, World Language Teacher and Scrabble & Tea Club Sponsor.
“I don’t even know what Smash Brothers is, but for me it’s really cool to see everyone having fun, it’s cool to see that everybody has a place.” said Chris Knerr, Upper School History Teacher and Esports Club Sponsor.
A club is impossible without sponsors, and because of this, there’s a little extra incentive for a teacher to agree. Club sponsors receive a salary stipend and gain access to Westminster funds to purchase necessary equipment or pay for club field trips. However, clubs are usually supposed to remain on the Westminster campus, unless that is absolutely impossible. Such is the case for the Rock Climbing Club, as Westminster unfortunately does not have a rock climbing wall on campus.
“Most clubs meet after school and at school, but there are some exceptions.” “‘At school’ is not a hard and fast rule, but the goal is to have a lot of clubs offered at school, after school,” said Seilback.

Another necessity is other students. A good club should have a steady and strong attendance. Even three people is a solid foundation for a club. This was evident a few years ago, when students Caleb Adams and Peyton French started the Esports Club. They had around four people to start off, but in its prime, upwards of ten students attended at a time. A small group of like minded friends is all that’s needed. In order to draw more students to a new club, entrepreneurial students in the past have put up posters and posted details in the morning announcements.
The last step is the paperwork. That sounds daunting, but in reality the necessary documents require about fifteen minutes to complete. A quick email to Seilback asking for the document and then filling out the one page application. The document is merely a guide, allowing a club creator to structure their club and send that structure to Seilback for affirmation.
Clubs are an integral part of the Westminster community. Friend groups grow and new opportunities are realized at clubs. They have been around for a while, shaping the Westminster community and improving lives, and now you know the secret to adding to the legacy. With this new appreciation for clubs, feel free to talk to Seilback about new club ideas. Who knows, maybe your club will be the next big thing.