Setting the Stage on Fire
Westminster’s set designer has become a pillar of the school’s outstanding theatre department.
Mrs. Dianne Mueller poses with her daughter in front of her Seussical set.
The theater department is one of Westminster’s most successful departments. It is widely known throughout the community to be incredibly fruitful and has brought awards to this incredible department. But there is one woman who helps create the atmosphere that makes our theater department so immersive.
“I was hired to design the theater sets and then to build them.” said Dianne Mueller, Set Designer for Westminster Christian Academy.
Mrs. Mueller entered into the community two years ago in 2021 and worked on the Brothers Grimm Spectaculathon, designing the first of many elaborate and immersive sets. She has gone from the set of Brothers Grimm to the recent and incredible set of Mousetrap; a notably elaborate set even to the audience. But her journey to set design has not always been so clear.
“I worked in a Biochemistry lab for ten years until my kids were born. […] then I started working in community theater because that’s one of my loves […] I then started building sets about ten years ago. […] and one of the women who I worked with in productions told me about Westminster, that was Mrs. Eichelberger.”
Through the Westminster Teacher Mrs. Eichelberger, Mrs. Mueller discovered and joined the WCA Faculty.
“[The faculty] and I hit it off instantly.” Mrs. Mueller recounted.
The environment of Westminster’s community embraced the new set designer with open arms, and she immediately became a student favorite.
“I absolutely love her so much […] she can build sets, act, dance, sing […] and she’s just so much fun to work with.” remarked Carissa Mitchell, Sophomore.
Furthermore Gina Rosenberg a Theater Arts Teacher also had positive things to say about Westminster’s incredible Set Designer.
“We are so blessed here at Westminster to have Mrs. Mueller on staff, she has so much experience in directing, teaching, acting, and set design.” said Mrs. Rosenberg, Theater Arts Teacher.
In addition to helping build sets Mrs. Mueller also teaches a Set Design Enrichment during Advisory. This is a way for students interested in the other aspects of productions to gain a glimpse into the behind the scene efforts, while also being creative.
“The kids just love to create something […] Westminster has excellent students.” said Mrs. Mueller.
Mrs. Mueller is a shimmering pillar for the Westminster theater department, and the efforts behind the scenes of her and students creates wondrous worlds of imagination for the wider community.