Fishing in the City
A nice rainbow trout caught at Busch Wildlife on fly tackle
Every November through February, the Missouri Department of Conservation periodically stocks urban lakes with Rainbow Trout to provide opportunities for urban fishing. These trout provide a fun opportunity to get outside and a tasty treat if you are lucky enough to catch one. Try these 3 lakes for a chance at catching Rainbow Trout through the Urban Fishing Program.
Lake #1: Suson Park
Around the intersection of 141 and Interstate 55 in South St. Louis lies Suson Park. The department of conservation stocks rainbow trout in Island Lake and Carp Lake in Suson Park. While this lake is a popular destination, it still has some good fishing. For the best fishing, try getting there early in the morning to beat the crowds. A lot of the fishing pressure comes from the retired community, so getting there early gives you the best chance to hook into a trout. Try some Berkley PowerBait® or a silver spoon for a lure.
Mule Rating
Fishing ⅘
Fishing Pressure ⅕
Accessibility 4/5
Lake #2: Busch Wildlife
Busch Wildlife lies across the Missouri River in St. Charles and has over 30 lakes that are stocked with fish by the Missouri Department of Conservation. However, lakes 3, 21, 22, 23, and 28 are stocked with rainbow trout in the winter. If you want to have better fishing, but no dinner, try lake 21. Lake 21 is a catch-and-release only lake, but is stocked with plenty of fish. Try a rooster tail in yellow or rainbow to get a trout at the end of your line.
Mule Rating
Fishing ⅘
Fishing Pressure ⅗
Accessibility ⅕
Lake #3 VlasiPark
In the heart of downtown Ballwin lies infamous Vlasis Park. Vlasis contains a playground, fairgrounds and two lakes. The bigger of the two is periodically stocked with rainbow trout during the winter months. While it gets a lot of pressure from local anglers, it still offers opportunities for good fishing. While at Vlasis, try yellow PowerBait® on a small hook with some weight. The trout are finicky, but are able to be caught. INSIDER TIP: Under the dock that extends into the lake, there is a deep hole that holds lots of fish. Try casting in there for a big one!
Mule Rating
Fishing: 2/5
Fishing Pressure: 2/5
Accessibility: 4/5
The Urban fishing Program can be a great way to introduce a new angler to fishing, or to cure cabin fever for the experienced angler. While it is never a sure thing to catch a fish, It is always a fun time to be out on a lake. If you are interested in going, you have the best chance when they have recently stocked fish. To find out when they stock, call the Fish Stocking Hotline at 636-300-9651.