2023 class president: Kaitlyn Mann
hear from Kaitlyn Mann the class of 2023’s fearless leader.
Kaitlyn Mann is the sophomore class president, and she has been class president of the class of 2023 for two years now. She joined stuco to become more connected with Westminster and help connect students and administrators. This is stuco’s second year in action and when she was asked what we should look out for in this upcoming year. “Of course, ITSOG, which is happening right now, but also spirit week and the dress down days” Mann, sophomore, said. Stuco being in its second year is also exciting for all the Stuco members, even though this year they have had to change how they meet. Due to covid restrictions, they are not able to meet in a whole group, so depending on the role in stuco meeting dates could be different. Kaitlyn, being the class president, has about two to three meetings a week, which added to about three to five more hours of work on top of her normal homework schedule. This is made harder considering she’s is a dancer. She loves her role in stuco and loves having the ability to help students connect. “Yes, I think stuco is able to do a lot more this year because we have more momentum. People know about stuco, so stuco will be able to reach out and help more students” Mann said. This is a great point, stuco has the momentum now to start a wave of changes. But without the students’ help, they can’t do that. Reach out to your stuco officers or class presidents. Let’s make more change happen, so we need your help Westminster and your feedback.
Kaitlyn’s favorite part of being on stuco is having the opportunity to be with her peers in all grades. But also helping unify the grades and people inside of her grade. She saw that there was a big disconnect when it came to unity in her grade and others, so she wanted to be a part of the solution to fix that.
When asked about what stuco’s biggest achievement was this past school year, she answered “spirit week, spirit week is normally split into multiple different groups and parts, but stuco took it all on. Which was a lot of work, but it turned out great” Mann said. Spirit week last year was one for the books with the sophomore beating the juniors out of second place and an unforgettable performance from all the grades.
A few events that people can look forward to that stuco is putting on is dodgeball and hallway decorations for thanksgiving and Christmas.
Big thanks to Kaitlyn for all of her hard work in stuco and all of her kind-hearted words of wisdom towards it. If you are thinking of joining stuco for this next year please do they want all the help they can get!