A quote from best selling Japanese author, Haruki Murakami that relates to this time.
Positive Thought of the Week: April 27
For this week’s positive thought, I would like to use a quote from best selling Japanese author, Haruki Murakami, who said, “And once the storm is over, you won’t remember how you made it through, how you managed to survive. You won’t even be sure, whether the storm is really over. But one thing is certain. When you come out of the storm, you won’t be the same person who walked in.”
Murakami gets at a truth that we as Christians ought to remember: suffering is for our good. It builds character. In the trials of this life, we are forced to truly rely on God and through it, our faith strengthens, and we grow to be more mature Christians.
Before all the craziness, everything seemed great in the world. Spring was approaching, March Madness was on the horizon, and the Olympics would be on this summer. However, then the world turned upside down in a panic. Yet, God did not panic. He had a purpose in this from the beginning of time.
These hard times, often can be a loving wake up call to not fall prey to putting the good things of this world above our greater hope in the Gospel of Jesus Christ. Let God use this time to work on your heart. Let this be a refining fire for your soul.
I am going to have to disagree with Murakami on one point. With this trial or any trial, I believe we will know how we survived, and it won’t because of us. Just as God brought this virus, in time, He will also take it away.
Thank God for this valley and pray that he might use it to sanctify the depths of your heart, so come post-quarantine, we might be able to interact with each other once again, not as more entertained, lazy, and superficial beings but as more mature Christians relying on the Holy Spirit daily.