Teacher Speak with Jonathan Horn
Jonathan Horn, Business and Communications Department Chair.
Q: What do you do in your free time?
A: I am a husband and father of four, which takes up most of my time, but I like being with them and coaching but also like to watch the Chiefs and Royals. But what I really like to do is play fantasy football which I have won 3 times, and I am back-to-back champs.
Q: Who was your hero growing up?
A: It was my brother. He was my hero. He took me under his wing. He also would take me places with his friends which was unusual because he was in high school.
Q: When did you first come to know the Lord?
A: Well, I grew up in a Christian home which impacted how I acted, but high school for me was about finding truth and that impacted me and changed. Westminster deepened my faith and my life because of the community and the teachers here.
Q:When did you know that teaching was going to be your career?
A: It was actually my second career. My first career was business consulting, and I went into teaching to have a better life and a family. It was my wife that came to me and said I would be good at teaching.
Q: What is your favorite quote?
A: My favorite quote is: “You can get straight As and flunk life” by Walker Percy.
Q:What is one accomplishment in your life that you are proud of?
A: One big accomplishment was becoming a good husband and father because before I was selfish and angry at times. But the Lord really showed me the way to happiness. But I also fix up my house which is a pretty big job because it takes lots of time.