Behind the Scenes of CB
A spotlight on Sophie Dunlap, the mastermind behind Christmas Banquet
After the Christmas Banquet festivities end, girls hang up their glittery dresses, guys put away their festive ties, and for most kids, the event quickly fades away into the rest of the school year. For senior Sophie Dunlap, however, when the night is over, preparations for the next CB quickly begin.
Dunlap got the “ball” rolling for the 2015 Red and White Ball nearly a year ago. She has poured her time into making the night special for all high school students.
“I started planning this year’s CB pretty soon after last year’s CB was over. I always have ideas to improve the event after it happens and am excited to get started again,” said Dunlap.
Dunlap has been involved with CB since her sophomore year and is excited to come back to help each year.
“There are a lot of hours involved in producing a nice banquet. Christmas is a special holiday to me, and it’s worth celebrating in a grand way. I feel that I am able to serve my community by working on CB using the gifts God has given me. I think that we deserve to have a special occasion to look forward to and enjoy,” said Dunlap.
In 2013, CB was held at WCA for the first time. Dunlap had to figure out how to creatively turn the gym into a room fit for a one-of-a-kind celebration.
“My first year was a challenge as it was the first year the school hosted the event, and I had to transform the Arena from a sports facility into an elegant banquet space,” said Dunlap.
Dunlap picks the theme and all the decorations for each banquet. This sort of planning has been a part of her life from a young age.
“I’ve always loved to plan parties since I was a little girl. My parents worked on big events at my elementary school, and I guess I picked it up from them,” said Dunlap.
Dunlap has again sought to make this CB unique, especially since it is her last year at WCA.
“I wanted this year’s theme to be different from the previous two. My sophomore year was fancy and sparkly, last year was woodsy and rustic, and this year is modern, bright, and fun!” said Dunlap.
Although Dunlap’s CB experience consists of making sure things are running smoothly instead of taking in the night, she finds no lack of satisfaction in it all.
“I enjoy witnessing the reactions of everyone who enters, when the Arena is filled with happy, excited students. Just seeing everyone is the best gift I could ask for,” said Dunlap.
Throughout the endless hours of planning and setting up, Dunlap’s purpose remains.
“I do this for my school because I think that we deserve a special night,” said Dunlap.
This year’s Red and White Ball is sure to be a success and leave Sophie smiling.