Faculty Feature: Q & A with David Johnson
Ex-Boxer and current facilities worker David Johnson sits down with the Wildcat Roar for a chat
What was the best thing you’ve ever eaten?
I would have to say it was a prime rib! It was from a dinner with my wife.
If you had $10,000 what would you do with it?
Actually, my church is really in need, financially. I would have to donate a portion, perhaps the majority portion to my church…save a little bit for my family but…most would go to my church.
You seem to remember dates pretty well; what would you say was the most memorable moment in your boxing career?
The most memorable moment was actually when I won the 1973 “Golden Gloves” regional tournament. It was a regional tournament. That was the most memorable moment because it was a fun time…I trained and, you know, I got pretty good ([laughs)….anyway there was trainer in the camp, the one who actually owned the gym. I never will forget it, this was back in 1973, I was supposed to fight [the trainer] at the electrician hall — the venue in which fights took place. And for whatever reason, he didn’t show up! I won unopposed! [smiles].
What would you title the story of your life?
Oh, “I am redeemed!” You know, that is so obvious to me…that would be it because, you know, not everyone is saved, not everyone even who comes to Westminster is saved, but I myself, I can happily say I am born again.
When you meet someone for the first time, what do you really want them to know about you, but you don’t say?
You know, I’d really like people to know that I am redeemed, that I am born again. Of course, when I meet people, I don’t just go out and say that…because, there was an incident where one weekend I went out to South County shopping center and I was sitting in the food court, and these 5 or 6 students came and approached me, they were curious about me, they were wanting to know what I was about and were asking me questions. Me, in my vanity or whatever, chose to talk about myself, saying, “yeah, I used to be a fighter,” rather than witnessing to them about our Lord. I always wished I had witnessed to these youngsters, they were just out and about with nothing to do, and for some reason they were attracted to me…I liked that they were impressed.
What would you do if you were the one survivor in a plane crash?
Thank and praise the Lord! I’d try to do something with it that would glorify God, to affect someone else. I’d have to give Him all the glory for that, you know, give Him credit where credit is due.
Pretend that I am blind: can you describe to me the color yellow?
I don’t know why, but the minute you said that something came to my mind about love. Old songs come to mind, and bluebirds in the spring. But really, I’d describe to you yellow by describing different aspects of love.
Do you have any words of wisdom to WCA students?
Love one another, and in the end, whatever you do, glorify God, as much as you can. That’s all you’re called to do.