Faculty Feature: Q & A with Chef Deb Miller
How well do you know the faces around the school?
What was the most embarrassing moment of your life?
D: When I applied for a job that I had no skills for.
CH: How did that go?
D: (laughs) I got the job!
What would you title the story of your life?
D: Never Would Have Made It.
When you meet someone for the first time, what do you really want them to know about you, but you don’t say?
D: That I am such a nice person!
What is your aspiration in life?
D: Well, my aspirations have already been met. I did what I wanted to do in life, and I am who I wanted to be.
Who is your favorite Disney princess?
D: Belle, from Beauty and the Beast!
CH: Why?
D: Because…I think she’s just beautiful, she’s gorgeous from the beginning to the end. I always thought that she was just…pretty.
What was the best piece of advice you’ve ever received?
D: I was told God blessed the child who has his own, meaning if you’ve got your own, no one can ever take that from you, or you can do what you want to do with it.
Do you have any advice for WCA students?
Yes, I do: Knowledge is power.
Look out for another Faculty Feature in the next issue of the Wildcat Roar!