Behind the Scenes of Chapel

John Pottebaum

Students worship during chapel.

Chapel is a bit of a mystery to some students at Westminster. Tim Holley, Director of Spiritual Life, and the 26 members of the spiritual life team work hard to plan chapels that will intrigue students and motivate change.

To begin, Holley and the student spiritual life team (SSLT) meet at the end of the school year to hold a 3-4 hour brainstorming session. During this time, members of the SSLT evaluate what went well in chapel over the last year and what could be improved. Holley never makes a decision without the guidance of the SSLT. This process is much more difficult than it appears.

“Most people don’t realize the diversity of opinions students hold about chapel. Reaching 1,000 students who represent 210 churches is difficult because one message may reach one student but not another,” said Holley.

SSLT members evaluate what are prevalent issues at WCA.

“Most of the members of SSLT talk with other students about chapel in conversation, and that’s how we keep our thumb on the pulse of the school, so to speak,” said Alex Kessel, junior, member of the Student Spiritual Life Team.

At the end of the summer, Holley and the spiritual life team meet once again to decide whether their ideas are still relevant. They strive to take more risks to keep students interested.

“Our goal is to keep things as fresh as we possibly can to reach students through different ways of communication,” said Holley.

This past year, chapels were greatly diversified. This included choosing between two chapels focusing on different subjects, divided boys and girls chapels, and a discussion oriented video chapel.

“We (the team) all wanted a way to be creative with the chapels, to try new methods of communication. We brainstormed a lot of these ideas early on in the year, however every week we meet and will periodically discuss how chapel is going, as well as thinking of any new ideas that we could implement in the future,” said Kessel.

Another way chapel is diversified is through music. Chapel band consists of 8 members who practice Tuesday nights and Wednesday mornings.

“My favorite part about being in chapel band is being able to worship and express myself through a thing that I love to do,” said Riley Adkisson, lead singer of the chapel band.

Chapel is one aspect that sets Westminster apart from other schools. Many talented people put lots of hard work into making chapel a success.

“One thing that everyone should know is that there is nothing special about me, or anyone else that is on the worship team. I mess up in the same ways that everyone else does. This has really been a big deal to me, especially this year,” said Adkinson.

“I have increased my understanding in several areas of my faith, and have built several lasting relationships,” said Kessel.