A New App Flaps to the Top of the Charts
Flappy Bird is the newest addiction in the gaming world.

The room is silent. Caitlin Mundorf, freshman, sits in concentration. Her hands are shaking, and she tries to calm her nerves. She knows that no one can help her. She is seconds away from reaching her goal. This seems to be the moment that she has been waiting for her whole life. After minutes of dedication, Mundorf cheers in excitement. She has just beaten her high score on Flappy Bird.
There is a latest obsession that has been taking over not only Westminster, but the world. Millions have downloaded the addictive game, Flappy Bird. Flappy bird is a fairly simple game where the player attempts to guide a bird through a gap in two pipes. This game seems to be everywhere, and Westminster students take their high scores very seriously.
“My highscore is 136, even my mom plays Flappy Bird,” said Mundorf.
Recently, to the horror of all Flappy Bird players, Flappy Bird was removed by creator, Dong Nguyen, due to how addictive the game has become. Following the deletion of the app created several terrifying rumors of which none are true. Although there were threats of copyright issues, Nguyen said in a Forbes interview that the only reason he deleted the app was because of how addicting the game had become.
Fans of Flappy Bird can find comfort in the countless recreations of the game. The most popular of these games are Ironpants, Splashy Fish, and Flying Cyrus. Flying Cyrus features the head of Miley Cyrus and she flies with her tongue through a wrecking ball and sledgehammer. Also, there are several Flappy Bird renditions that give the player three lives like: Jetpack Turtle, Flappy Pig and Flappy Penguin.
From Fruit Ninja to Doodle Jump to Temple Run to Candy Crush, there is always an app out that instantly becomes an addiction. Usually after a few months, these addicting games are completely forgotten, and a new group of games takes their place.