Boys Basketball Assists Crisis Aid
The boys basketball team builds chemistry through acts of service.
The boys varsity basketball team serves with Crisis Aid International.
On Saturday, January 9th, the Varsity boys basketball team helped package boxes of food at Crisis Aid in order to serve families in need. This experience not only brought the team closer together but also demonstrates the culture that Coach Ribble has developed within the program.
One of the Varsity coaches, Mike Lemp, is the Director of Development at Crisis Aid, and when Coach Ribble asked about possible service projects, Coach Lemp saw this as a great opportunity for the boys to serve and grow closer as a team.
“Serving brings success whether it is on the basketball court or in life. You start to understand that when you serve others you will always be taken care of,” said Coach Lemp.
This service project strengthened the teamwork between the players, built further chemistry, and gave everyone an opportunity to socialize outside of a practice or game setting.
“Our team definitely built more chemistry with each other, giving us an opportunity to get to know one another in other ways outside of basketball and have a good time,” said Kobi Williams, sophomore.
Even though it may have been in slight ways, the team was able to realize the large impact that they had on others while serving. They were glad to help families in need and were thankful for what the experience brought.
“We enjoyed helping people in need and glorifying God in all the things we do on and off the court. They are all still regular people made in the image of God. All they need is a helping hand. We’ve been blessed to do that for them,” said EJ Williams, junior.
In addition to building team chemistry and teamwork, the boys found ways to build their communication skills, which will come in handy heading into conference games, districts, and post-season play.
“In this project we encouraged each other, as if we were on the court. It helped our teamwork and communication as a team,” said Caleb Thompson, junior.
It is no doubt that the current and previous Westminster boys basketball teams always have a special bond. In addition to their talent and skills, the players’ off-the-court chemistry allows them to go into many games with the upper hand, contributing to their current winning record of eight and two.
“I see everyday at practice how they serve each other on and off the court. They truly care about each other and want the best for each other. This can’t be said of all teams, but is certainly the case with this group,” said Lemp.