Girls Soccer Announces Interim Coach
A new face has emerged on the sidelines of the soccer field this season. Kerri Dryden is the new girls Interim Varsity Head Coach. Although “Coach K” is new to Westminster Soccer, she is not a rookie in the soccer community, and has a long, impressive resume in both coaching and playing.
Dryden has come a long way, starting her playing career as a four-year-old in a south-Seattle. She went on to play soccer on much bigger stages, including the final four with the University of Wisconsin and as a member of the US team against Norway. Her career with soccer did not stop there, as she has been coaching throughout the US since then.
“I have coached pretty much anywhere from boys’ club teams in Missouri, a high school girls’ team in Wisconsin, Park District teams in Illinois, CYC in Missouri and Special Olympics in Seattle. Wherever I was meant to be. Each challenge is unique and takes different skills,” said Dryden.
When looking at a couple of high schools for coaching opportunities earlier this year, Dryden received an email asking if she would like to meet with Westminster. After praying and meeting with WCA Athletic Director’s Lindsay Carlile and Todd Zell, Dryden was confident that Westminster was a perfect fit.
“I came in the next morning without any opinion and walked out completely impressed with Lindsay Carlile and Todd Zell. They spoke of love for these girls and soccer being more than kicking a ball. My beliefs aligned exactly with what Westminster wanted for this year,” said Dryden.
As for this season, Westminster will be on everyone’s radar considering their success last spring. Dryden has big hopes and acknowledges every player is a key part of the team.
“We are going to expect some of our more quiet personalities to step up and make an impact. As we work hard for a higher purpose, it will translate into confidence. We believe in Him and will have faith in each other,” said Dryden.