Swimmers Bring Sunshine
Varsity swimmers went to downtown St. Louis to serve at Sunshine Ministries.
Swimmers Olivia Coomes, junior, Lucy Kehr, sophomore, Clara Gruniesen, sophomore, Mackenzie Weiberg, freshman, Izzy Haupfer, sophomore, and SJ Fiala, junior, pose with adorable stuffed animals for the children.
On the morning of January 20th, twenty-five swimmers from the girl’s varsity swim team ventured downtown to Sunshine Ministries. The girls spent the day packing boxes and setting up a shop in the ministry’s new location.
Sunshine Ministries is an organization founded to provide Christian services to the needy living in downtown St. Louis. The organization runs a food pantry, a community closet, shelters and pre-school. Sunshine is completely funded from individual support.
“Sunshine Ministries is bettering the community. I love how they appeal to youth, men and women,” said Olivia Coomes, junior.
The swim team spent the day boxing up donated items and moving them from Sunshine’s old four story brick building to their newly constructed two story building. Once there, the team members emptied the packages and set up a shop, similar to Goodwill, for the needy to buy from.
“Doing this service project opened my eyes and made me feel humbled. I will no longer take material possessions for granted,” said Carmen Verbeek, freshman.
The team also toured Sunshine’s new preschool which serves 2-5 year olds who are being raised in poverty conditions. The teachers provide the children with a good education, but also a biblical teaching.
“Seeing the preschool really hit home for me because I’ve always wanted to be a teacher,” said Julia Johnson, junior.
The girls ended the trip with a stop by Crown Candy Kitchen where they bonded over milkshakes.
“After spending the day at Sunshine Ministries I learned that it’s really fun to help out others, especially with friends,” said Lauren Massot, sophomore.